
Profile photo for Nichole Roberson
Not Yet Rated


Audition Demo for audiobook

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
As soon as I learned to read and write at the young age of three, I had the desire to succeed it. Everything I did. While this may seem like a special trade to possess it that age, it wasn't everything that God has created is made to succeed. Everyone hungers and thirsts for success because it is in our nature to succeed. My desire for wanting to succeed in life on Lee grew stronger as I grew older. There is something in me that demanded excellence in all that I did. I couldn't stand the thought of settling for anything less than what I knew I could accomplish. I was often misunderstood by my peers for wanting more than what seemed normal for a young girl, but their perception didn't deter me from reaching higher. The more people tried toe limit my ability to succeed. The more determined I became to defy the limitations they tried to place on me. I knew God was calling me to become all that he created me to be, so I couldn't let anyone's contrary opinions stop me. I knew I would be successful. I knew this when I was on Lee, three years old. Success is like a buzzword. Everyone is attracted to it. We all get inspired by it. And if we are honest, we will admit that we do aspired to be successful in some way. However, there's a misconception of what success really is. There seems to be a standard for success that is being promoted all around us. And if you don't meet the so called standard, then you are not successful. In the Western world, we have painted a picture of what success ought to look like. If you make a six figure income living a luxury home, drive a fancy car and could afford to travel to exotic places around the world, then you are considered successful. Success has become all about one's possessions and the recognition that follows suit.