Romance Audiobook (Australia market)


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Australian British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I move slowly to Mom's side. I couldn't work out how I was supposed to say goodbye to her forever. I felt like my brain had shut down. I wanted to run away as fast as I could. Instead, I looked her in the eye and started to speak. Bye, Mom. I love you. I'm gonna miss you so much. I checked. I promise to make you proud. Taking hold of a hand, I kissed a cheek. It felt like she squeezed my hand briefly. But that may have been wishful thinking. I glance back at April and beckoned her over. She took a deep breath than edge forward. She looked terrified. Bye, Mom. She gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, then rushed back to Dad Pale and destroy Jamie, crying hysterically. Refused to go anyway. I need the bed. Why was this happening to us? I took the girls time leaving Dad to be alone with Mom. My best friend Audrey Cold as soon as we got home wanting a full up day. She loved my mom and often referred to herself as the fourth Ashton daughter. Having practically lived in that house since we were five years old, Audrey was more than a best friend. She was the sister. I got to choose having to tell Audrey how sick Mom really was. Made it all too real. I ended the cold quickly before the grief crushed me, lying in bed that night, in which the hours on my bedside clock slowly tick by the loneliness I felt coupled with a bubbling anger deep in my gut, was overwhelming. I was too young to deal with this. I wasn't strong enough. I didn't want to be strong enough. I was only 14 15. I corrected myself as the clock ticked past midnight, as daylight started to philtre through my blinds, I heard Dad's car rumble down the driveway. I dragged myself out of bed and headed to the kitchen. My mother is gone, Holly whispered. My father, I felt my legs give way. They were the words I've been dreading for months. I was mature for my age, watching your mother Deteriorate will do that to a girl. But at that moment I felt like a naive child. One had been hoping for a miracle. Hot gave out early this morning. She couldn't be revived. He checked she's not suffering anymore. I was only half listening. All I could think about was the last time I'd seen her. Sitting on the kitchen floor with my face buried in my bent knees, I let the tasteful I cried for the pain she suffered since the cancer returned a year ago. I cried for the enormous hole she was leaving in our family. I cried for the eternal grief my father was going to enjoy. I cried for April and Jamie you barely knew her. But most of all I cried because I was weak and I knew from then on I needed to be strong. Happy birthday to me, Chapter one, 10 years later. Happy birthday to May a quarter of a century. I felt old really old. I heard the front door. Claes. It was early for them to be going to work, but my flatmates, Audrey and Zara, knew to avoid me. On my birthday, I had a date with the couch, the TV, a box of tissues on my favourite ice cream. Switching off my emotions usually wasn't a problem, except on this one day of the year when I allowed myself to open old wounds, feel everything and have my own personal meltdown. It was the one day the year I grieved my own fight. My mother died of the same disease that claimed her mother and her grandmother. Before that, I was a ticking time bomb. Tomorrow I would go back to pretending to be the strong, independent woman everyone expected me to be pretending stepping out of the shower. My long, dark hair dripping wet. I thought I heard the front door close again. Get dressed. Tully Koda. Familiar male voice through the bathroom door. What are you doing here, Jason? You speak? He was only for emergencies. Despite the protection of the closed door, I was shocked by the intrusion and embarrassed by my nakedness. It is an emergency. You have to come into work today. And I knew you wouldn't answer your phone. You think? Me? I promise. Absolutely not. Go away. Wrapping a tout tightly around my body as straight out of the bathroom, determined to get him the **** out of my apartment. There was nothing going on