Thriller Audiobook, English, Novel, Fully Voiced Characters



This is one of numerous full length novel to audiobook projects I have worked on as the performing talent, as well as the editor/mixer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US New England - Boston, Providence) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Consciousness came in waves. He was falling body twisting and tumbling through a blur of dead foliage and bare trees. And before he reached the bottom, he was pulled out to a sea of unconsciousness. He came too on his back. Freezing cold rain hit his face like little pin pricks. The trees towering over him changed from brown to red in the flashing lights. They reminded him of when his mother bundled him up as a child and drove through some of the ritzier neighborhoods in butler so that they could gawk at the Christmas lights in December, a free light show. She had told him he heard her words now whispered in his ear. Even the sirens couldn't drown it out. He reached for the lights and that's when the pain hit him. Everything hurt arms legs, his chest felt like it was on fire and his head throbbed. He rubbed his forehead where the pain was the sharpest to find a massive protruding bump. He'd been beaten. He was at the bottom of a slope just off the trail. Those lights were emergency services, James, if he had survived the attack, then maybe James had made it too, James was stronger and not all gunshot wounds were fatal. James just needed medical attention before he lost too much blood. Vincent rolled onto his stomach. The moment he tried to push himself up from the wet earth. He was gone again.