Clear, Articulate, Friendly- ELearning Demo

Profile photo for Noelle Fabian Dragon
Talent Online


eLearning and training that sounds clear, professional, smooth, informative, knowledgeable, articulate, scientific, professorial, straight forward, calm, trustworthy, technical, teacher, executive, narrator, classy.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If you choose front porch delivery, the carrier will deliver your order to the first dry safe area immediately outside your front door. Most of the parks, theaters, attractions, restaurants and shops are accessible to wheelchairs. Most, if not all rides require transfer from the wheelchair to the ride seat because for many people, this is the loss of the future with a child and it is normal to feel increased sadness on your due date and on special holidays there is no amount or kind of grieving. That is right for all people. But grieving takes time and energy As we get ready for the 2021 cybersecurity conference. We want to stress the importance of protecting our ideas, our strategies and most of all our customers from cybersecurity risks. This means being careful with what links you open, what sites you share and what sites you visit. I just love the smell of fresh coffee at the beginning of the work day. Don't you just make sure that if you're the one to make it, you're not that guy, you know the one who leaves the wet filter in all weekend. So you arrive to a horrible science experiment on monday around here, everyone does their part to keep common spaces clean