ANdy Russell Not wanted by The Police - Scholastic Canada Audiobook



A snippet of a series of Short audiobooks I narrated for Scholastic Canada's "Moving UP with Literacy Place" -- young, childrens audiobook

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter nine trapped in school, Mrs Clark told the police officer about Andy Tameka, the Perlman's trip to South America and the open front door. Then she gave the telephone to Andy. He wants to talk to you, she said. Where are you? The police officer asked. I'm a school, he said quickly. He told the officer the Perlman's address and said, Please tell officers Johnson and Kirkwood about the open door. They'll know what I'm talking about. I'll tell them, the officer said. Now, don't worry, just go to class. We'll take care of everything. And he put the telephone receiver down. That's the problem. We'll be in class. While who knows what might be happening at the Perlman's Andy and Tunica? Thank Mrs Clarke and hurried to class. You're late.