Deadly Beloved Audiobook Sample



A Murder - Detective Mystery - By renowned Author: Max Allen Collins -entitled: Deadly Beloved

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we were in chicks. Unmarked car when he asked where Michael Mike's place or yours? Way. We moved my things to his place last week. His place. Check mine and as I mean, I want to sleep in his bed tonight. Our bed Tonight I'll stay on the couch. He did. I had some sleeping pills and took a double dose. And in the morning, chicken breakfast, ready for me. He waited on me at the table in Mike's little kitchen at and finally asked me, What you gonna do? What is there to do? My sipped coffee. I already killed the ******* who took my crummy. I know. I mean about the business. The tree agency. If you want to come back to the P. D. I'm sure I could make a few calls and no, I sent a little too sharply. He just looked at me curiously. We'll keep it open. I sent. We'll keep it going. Dan and Roger and me. Can the Treaty Agency survive without? But he couldn't get it out. His eyes were everywhere, but on me, We'll check. Say it in the tree. Agencies survive without Michael tree check. You're looking at Michael tree. He just sat there, not knowing what else to say. What was there to say anyway? I felt better. Not a lot better, but enough so to eat, enough to go on.