Mother Nature character Cellular Phone Commercial



over the top, silly, sarcastic, fun

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Now I think I'll zap this little area with some ice that from Mother Nature course you man to man. He's got the answers. He's got the plan. I'm super cell phone man. Mother Nature. Why have you been so mean lately? Oh, I just can't help myself. I'm bored. You don't ever have to be poured in touch, and AT and T authorized retailer can hook you up with a perfect smartphone so you can keep in touch with Father Time and all your friends. You could even talk, text and surf the Net at the same time, and right now you can get a BlackBerry talks for only 99.9 with no rebate and data plans as low as $15 or get a Nokia 63 50 free after mail in rebate. You're my hero. I may even have to bring in spring early in Touch A T and T next to Hibbitts and Jasper, Rockport, Hartford or Highway 54 owns Borough See Stores Super Cell Phone man dot com, for details. Some restrictions and other monthly charges apply. Two year contract required