Of West African descent. Spoken English with slight British accent.

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This sample is a narration done by me of a Children’s book titled “Monday is a Fun Day”, a book loved dearly by my kids when they were much younger. I also loved reading it to preschoolers when I worked as an assistant teacher.
Credit is given to the author and illustrator.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


African (General) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
monday is a fun day written by Ellie Hattie and eric Barkley narrated by Pamela. Oh gaga. Sunday is a run day. Race until we one day, relax when we're done day. What a busy sunday monday is a fun day. Let's sit out in the sunday. It's a sticky monday. What's a sunny monday? Tuesday is a Tuesday. Which pair should we Tuesday? Hop and skip in Tuesday. What a silly Tuesday Wednesday is a frenzied day. Let's draw with paint and pans day. Hope it never ends day. What a happy Wednesday thursday is a per thursday. The tails and claws and thursday. Which do you prefer day? What a cuddly thursday friday is a fly day. A stretch and touch the sky day. We can jump so high day. What a funny friday saturday is a batter day. Pancakes on a platter day. A slappy snappy supper day. What a yummy saturday days of the week. Sunday, monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, thursday, friday saturday, sunday, monday Tuesday to Wednesday thursday. Just for you, friday saturday. That's the end. Now let's say those days again the