Over the Top!

Profile photo for Paul Quinn
Acheivement Badges Top Talent
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Although I'm known more for believable reads...I just love the opportunity to poke fun at the big voiced hard-sell!

I can do the same for you!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
have you put on on What a poundage. Yes, ladies has your cute little muffin top exploded guys, when you pass out to your buddies, hide pennies in your fat rolls just like those fat cats on Wall Street. It sounds like you need a bailout bailout. National Fitness and Record Club presents the belly fat bailout for a very limited time. We're gonna buy your bat crazy every time you lower your way. Lower your membership cause can be true. Oh, yes, it is. And National Fitness and Racquet Club is gonna life Oh, your first month's membership be old again. So you keep dropping the pounds. Well, keep dropping the costs Simple as say goodbye to that gun with a belly fat bailout. Details at National Fitness and Record Club behind the North Wendy's on second Street in man