Animation Demo



A compilation of animation samples :)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) Italian (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
These are a thing. This Abby and everything we worked with. The tide of war must turn soon or there will be no future for this order. Commander McCleskey is their problem. Planes come home and land on the deck, Not in the ocean. I am eager as you are to sink another carriage, but not at the expense of more men in the water. Is this these murals painted by an ancient people who lived here thousands of years ago? It was a dark time. There were many prophets who claim that they had seen visions of death himself, leading an army of demons straight from the gaping mouth of ****. The's profits also saw the fall of humankind, destruction of cities and civilizations. But there was a prophecy spoken by those of old saying that there would arise a warrior, the power to destroy the darkness, who would fall into the very abyss of **** and come back what they call him. His name is Steve. I'm sorry. Did I hear that correctly? I don't goal your morning briar. Your time. $200 in arrears. Could on fire. You don't leave is someone's way. Welcome to the Race Craft Stadium. Here we host the greatest racing and crafting show of the century. I'm Clinton joining me today.