Commercial Demo- Authentic, conversational, informative

Video Narration


This demo has a mix of a how to video, car sales pitch, audio book reading, and light heartedness

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to the Moffitt and Paula Web store. This short video shows you how to sign up and get started. The online store is geared for contractors. Account members can view products, create quotes, print invoices and much more, anytime, anywhere. There's lots to celebrate in a Jeep mud, 65 degree inclines, backward trails backward, no trails, rocks, bigger rocks, boulders for mountain peaks to city streets. At the Jeep Celebration event, we've got even more to celebrate, like the 2018 Jeep Cherokee, you with 15% off MSRP E for total discounts of $7500 or get 0% financing for 72 months on a 2018 Jeep compass. The Jeep Celebration event ends July 3rd seed dealer for details. Many are the mines that have been leading humanity and the various roads of knowledge for years and years. But as these roads can lead to evil as well as goodness, intelligence requires that a person seeks to examine this knowledge through a screen of the foundations of sound thought and opinion in order to verify whether it's in accordance with the integrity of both mind and intuition, or whether this knowledge is contradictory. and destructive. There's this friend of mine who as a teenager, did some dumb things. Not me, I swear. Just my friend. His name is our comedians, Clutterbuck. However, even though my friend, our committees again not me did some dumb things, he was fortunate enough that he didn't do any really dumb things. Scientists recently discovered that 94% of teenagers have a specific gene, which they've named the R. D T gene that genetically predisposes them to do really dumb things. There is a 96% chance that that's not actually true, and I just made up the whole thing, but regardless, I believe the discovery is inevitable someday soon.