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When you can't afford Sam Elliott, there's Phil Hulett's character, \"Sam Texas\". Sam, I mean, Phil delivers the authority you need with that western flavor to make any product sound like it's made in America, uh, even though it's probably made in China.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (South West - Texas) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yeah, it's the mark of the most effective camouflage patterns on earth. Thanks to you, comes to stand for a whole lot more where it proud. Mossy oak. It's not a passion. It's an obsession. I'm proud to call myself a school in a bay salmon farmer living out here with my fish. 24 7 I know I'm not saving the world. Just making sure great chefs have great salmon. Glad the chef cares as much as I do from grain. The bottle We're craftsman. Alaskan born on Alaskan made way, strive to capture the true spirit of our state brewing with only Alaskan grown grain and pristine glacial water. That's why a lot of people have been having a face to face with their banker, North Rim, when that southern twang fills the air with songs about pickup trucks or poetry and everyone starts to act just a little bit. Country tough is equipment that works as hard as you do. What kind of tomorrow will you build