Scripted Opening Narration

Profile photo for Phillip Stressman
Not Yet Rated


A selection of me performing some scripted table-setting narration on the audio drama Dangerous Times at Chillhaven High

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we open in darkness. But what do I mean when I say this? What image of darkness am I tasking you with? Conjuring in your mind a darkened theater? A spooky closet. A moonless night. The bottom of the ball pit at Discovery Zone. Kids in Evans Georgia, Fair enough. Let's get specific. You know what maybe darkness isn't precisely the right word to use here. Maybe what I would actually like free to hold in your minds for now is an absence, not just an absence of light though that is part of it. No, I want you to hold in your mind the absence of certainty in a way the truest kind of darkness there is it is the darkness of total unknowing the kind of darkness present before you were born or at the dawn of time in the moments before the Big Bang or inside of schrodinger's notorious box where a single unfortunate or fortunate cat was or wasn't Or what about this 1? It is the darkness of deep sleep known as slow wave sleep to scientists and people who tried to search for deep sleep on Wikipedia and weren't interested in the band or video game. This is the phase of sleep just before dreams occur when our brain waves are at their slowest and least interesting. Some believe it is during this phase of sleep that our brains sort through and process new memories dutifully transforming the passing minutia of our daily lives into future. Anxieties and intrusive thoughts. But what about the opposite of memory in a moment? Our somnolent indeterminacy wave will collapse as neurons begin to fire themselves to life and propel us out of darkness and into the twisted and askew light of R. E. M. Sleep. The domain of fickle morpheus, the world of dreams. But these will be no ordinary dreams for the darkness of the mind. The absence of consciousness we currently inhabit is not in fact our own, but that of one Penny White and Penny's dreams are no ordinary dreams because like those of Great King Agamemnon or Sam from supernatural, Penny's dreams are prophetic dreams also. They tend to be real freaky deaky nightmare kind of scenarios. And as Penny also happens to be a player character in a tabletop role playing game. Her fate will be determined not by anything as banal as destiny or as capricious as Quantum indeterminacy. But by an honest, hardworking, good old fashioned roll of the dice dice clutched in the hands of one best lawson best role plus Weird. Ooh, that is a Miss Penny Darkness persists only now your consciousness is contained within it. As your senses begin to acclimate to your surroundings, you become aware that you are in fact floating, cast adrift in the void of space. There are stars here, but there are few in number cast sparse, cold and distant, merely frail sagging pinpricks and the vast inky firmament which surrounds you, but this far corner of space in which you find yourself is not as empty as it first appears. You become aware, Penny that although you feel no sense of acceleration, your body is tumbling inexorably towards a massive ringed planet as you rapidly approach this planet. The sheer scale of it nearly impossible to comprehend. You begin to hear something faintly at first, but growing louder by the moment, until you feel like your brain is about to vibrate out of your skull as you are overwhelmed by a psychic cacophony of horrifying screams as your momentum continues to hurl you towards this massive planet, its gargantuan rings begin to come into focus and resolve themselves to you, and the source of the sound now becomes horrifically clear. Penny! You see now that this planet's rings are composed not of rocks or space dust or chunks of ice, but of billions upon billions of human souls, each and every one of them wailing in agony despite the incomprehensible number of tormented spirits before you, you find your eyes drawn again and again two familiar faces, Cliff ranger coach Sheahan, Noah, Langley, saber, muto, violet crank shaw, all of their faces twisted into grotesque masks of unimaginable suffering. And then Penny! Your attention is mercifully diverted by movement on the surface of the planet itself, which begins to bulge and contort as they're about to erupt from pole to pole. You watch in awe as a series of ruptures form across the entirety of the planet's malignant crust, each of these ruptures, tearing itself open in turn and revealing a bulbous, sickening I every one of them the size of a continent, Penny. As you feel. Each and every one of these colossal eyes turn to focus on you. The screams emanating from the ring of damned souls reaches a crescendo in your mind, and the surface of the planet peels open a final time to reveal an impossibly large mouth, its vast interior roiling and chaos like twisted waves of light drawn into the singularity of a black hole. You watch as one by one and then all at once the Ring of Souls is dragged screaming into the yawning abyss of the planet's mouth and you feel Penny inside yourself, something deep and fundamental being torn asunder. And you watch frozen in horror as your own astral form is ripped away from your body and pulled helplessly into the void. And then just like that the planet is gone, the souls are gone, even the stars are gone, and you float penny cold and hollow and utterly alone, in a featureless black ****. And then you wake up