Porcha Caprice Voice Over Demo Reel

Profile photo for Porcha Caprice
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Professional actress and content creator who loves to tell a story that's life changing.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, all you tea lovers. I love to drink my tea warm with apple cider vinegar and honey. The reason why I love tea is because of its natural remedies for my overall health. I drink my tea in the morning evening and sometimes at night and I do love my tea, caffeine free tea benefits can help with stress when you're sick, boost your immune system, lose weight and we know we all love to look our best and so much more. If you love tea, just as much as I do, then why not sip some with me and enjoy your better self. I have shared my cup of failures and I don't choose to go back Charles. What on earth are you thinking? There is only one of me and I don't like to share. Get it. Your life wasn't a waste of time. You had all the dreams packed down inside your guts and now it's time to release them. Show the world how you can achieve that mystery passion. That many of us would love to see. You are more than just the surface. Go bu I only thought it was gonna be okay, but it wasn't I couldn't imagine running that far. I guess it was just the loser in me