Imaging, radio station voice overs

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Radio station Imaging/image voice over talent. Intense and commanding. Station liners, Imagine liners, hip hop stations to hard hitting news.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Maximum music 96.3 Max FM, The new home of CBS Sports Radio W A S B. Brock Court Rochester one station Next house 19.9. When you're talking about like no full manu authority to the max 33 1055 The team bringing you the best from the world like chronic dance, mused A. It's time to get up in Dan's global dance cast with Joseph Kyle, It's time to get old school with New York cutting edge entertainment plate on coat of arms, cutting edge entertainment, Taking it back to the sounds of disco. You're listening to deejay Mike Anto live in the way with best of the nine. It's time to take you back into time deejay lands like spinning the hits of the eighties. Do you remember this one?