Randy McCarten-Audiobook Demo



Warm authentic narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
both Agnes and Patrick looked at me, startled than exchange glances, But I enjoy, Patrick asked. I pretended I didn't hear him as I walked to my desk and kicked an innocent garbage can. Joey. That was Marcie, who called. Is there a problem with her pregnancy? Agnes asked 1/2 herder question. But I did hear pregnancy. What? Her pregnancy? No, nothing like that. So lot. What's the problem? We're family here. Upheld. Patrick. I sat back in my chair, spinning to face them both. Sorry, guys, I wasn't fully forthcoming before. It seems Marcie and her partner are caught up in this murder, I said, cupping my hands and placing them behind my head. Is that leaned back and looked at the ceiling. What do you mean? Agnes asked. Mystified. I went on to explain what happened and how my one second hesitation made Marcy think I doubted her innocence. She can't believe you think that she's upset over the whole misunderstanding and naturally irritable Plus, remember, she's pregnant, Agnes added. Yeah, well, right now I'm in the doghouse and I'm irritable. Her father, looking upon the mill workers as part of his family, started an evening school for them, often teaching it himself or calling in the family teacher, he organized a temperance society among the workers. It all signed a pledge never to drink distilled liquor. When he opened a store in the new brick building, he refused to sell liquor. All the judge, McClane warned it would ruin his trade. Daniel Anthony went even further. He resolved not to serve liquor when the mill worker's houses were built and the neighbors came by to the raising again. Judge McClane protested, feeling certain that the men and boys would demand their gin and their rum. But Susan and her sisters help their mother serve lemonade, tea, coffee, doughnuts and gingerbread in abundance. The men joked a bit about the lack of strong drink, which they expected at every meal. But they did not turn away from the good substitutes, which were offered, and they were on hand for the next raising. I had been lost in the wonder at the site of the mirror maze in the secret trapdoor in the atrium. Well, that it really shocked me when I asked the sisters why their house was so full of hidden passages, secret doors, fog machines, trick staircases and amaze that could confuse anybody. They had laughed their little Tinkerbell laugh and replied simply, We are writers. We like things to be a dream world. And now they were taken. Now Mitch held a knife over them. He held them captive. The one thing they hadn't predicted was the most important. They hadn't realized the villain that was Mitch and the anger that drove him.