My voice is soothing, calming, and feels like a warm cup of tea

Profile photo for Raniece Canady
Not Yet Rated


I try to read from a daily devotional to get inspiration, encouragement and motivation. I read one of the entries from that devotional.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
March 13th change. We become open minded to the idea that we can change with time and with help. Big Red Book, page nine most of us have heard the same. If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten. In other words, nothing will change until we make a change. We have read all the books and made attempts at change, but nothing stuck for long. A big reason it didn't work is that we were probably trying to do it alone. We told ourselves that we didn't need to talk to others about anything. We just had to try harder. And when we hit a wall with whatever new thing we were trying, we found some justification for quitting. So nothing really changed until we gave ourselves permission to walk into our first A. C A meeting. This is where we discovered the power of the group, a mix of new faces with familiar stories. We listened to some say how difficult it was to work on change and that change takes time. This might have made us run the other way. Except that it was followed by talk of how rewarding it is to make even baby steps of change because we want that same experience. We keep coming back, not doing it alone. Makes all the difference in the world. On this day, I will remember that I deserve my own change and that I never have to go it alone again.