Approachable, Friendly, Helpful, Personable, Casual

Profile photo for Raven Brinson
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Acheivement Badges Rising Star
Video Narration


I gave this approachable, friendly and helpful read in an explainer video for Wyndham Destination's Club Wyndham. The video lives on their website and Vimeo channel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When the vacation dates you want aren't available. Turn to your Club Windom waitlist. You can join a resorts waitlist by logging into your account at club Windom dot com. Head to the resort section, then search for a destination. Next, select your check in and check out dates. If a resort isn't available during those dates, you'll see the option to join the waitlist. You'll also see the waitlist option when viewing the resort's monthly availability calendar, tap the link to join the waitlist, fill in your details, including the dates you're open to traveling, set a minimum and maximum number of nights you'd like to stay. Finally pick your preferred sweet types. Double check that the email is correct. This is how we'll contact you. If a suite opens up when your form is complete. Click the link to submit your waitlist request. If a match becomes available, you'll be notified by email. After that, you'll have 48 hours to either confirm the reservation for a nominal fee or decline the reservation to review all your active waitlist requests, visit the vacations and waitlist tab. This is where you can delete current requests or start a brand new one. Go to club dot com today and take advantage of your wait list.