NPR/KBAQ- Hearing the Century

Profile photo for Dickie Briggs
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Lon Megargee, the first cowboy artist, born in Philadelphia, explains why he should be chosen to paint murals in the Arizona State Capitol for Gov. Hunt in 1913.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I came into town looking for work, so I had never painted in my life, had no formal art training, had never touched oils or seen an artist in action. Finished paintings will be seven by four feet, the sketches or merely to show the ideas I have in mind. I'm confident I can do it better than anyone because I know Arizona. It will take me seven or eight months to complete the series. So the quicker I get action, the better I can and will succeed. And all I want is have a chance. I sincerely hope they will grow upon you. In my opinion, pictures are like good friends.