Cool Hipster Narrator - Animated, Happy, Hip,

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good morning. Cool Cats. Kittens. Oh, it's a fine morning for a cat tail. And this one's all about Pete and his family taken it in a trip to the beach. Yeah, Yeah. Pete and his family were pretty happy to be spending a day at the Shore. But this wasn't just another day in the sand that day, Pete's brother Bob was gonna teach him to surf. Pete had been one to learn out of soup ever since he saw his brother hanging 10. But now that the day was actually here, could it be that peop wasn't as excited as he thought it would be? As Pete likes to say, it's okay to be afraid. But it's Maur fun too, sir. And I couldn't have said it better myself. Well, I'm gonna get my board and grab myself a waiver to before the sun goes down. We'll see you cats soon. Maybe out in the surf. Oh, yeah.