Briar bear from \"Boonie Bears to the Rescue\"

Profile photo for Rick Jay Glen
Not Yet Rated


A guttural raspy bear voice for an animated brown bear.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What are you doing out here? What you got in the case that longer? Vic? Didn't you like logging so much luck on these direct hit. Looks like it was filled with tools. Rambo destroy. Uh, that was close. What do you know? You are right. Probably nothing. The wind. Maybe I'm hearing another sound. That's weird. Something strange is going on. No way. Stay back. No. Maybe next center to torture us. Go. Yo, Bramble. He's headed right towards you. Okay. Go have fun. Grable were taking their back. Come here. Uh huh. Uh, Wait longer. Let's go do something. They leave her alone. Vic, what the heck is a fever? Let's go help him. They went that way. Come on. A large Lola.