Gamestop hiest

Profile photo for ritesh singh
Not Yet Rated


This voices over is based on the recent game-stop stock news
this company has risen more then 900%
so this is one of the recent episode of my podacast

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) Indian (Hindi) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
so, Hey, guys, you're listening to how they are The podcast we ever discuss about different businesses. The podcast for emerging entrepreneurs like you, I'm your host rotation. And in this port cast, we're going to discuss about the recent Gamestop heist. Gamestop gained enormous sport right in January. The reason is hard costs up in the world of stock market or mean fast going on in social media. Some people may not know yet about what his Gamestop and what exactly happened with it. Gamestop is a US base brick and mortar videogame retail company that deals and consoles electronics and gaming merchandise. The company was struggling since the covert 19 dynamic on because off the global switched online. The journey was not Rosie, and the company has Bean keep declining towards the bankruptcy, but the company's value has risen more than 900%. What ho before answering that we need to discuss other unanswered questions now Why read? It pops up these days. In the between, the discussion on Gamestop read Children's forums about the particular discussion you are interested in, such as political football and eating forms. Not important in the study is the forum called Wall Street backed consists of over four million members in it, usually discussing stocks and shares. And there they are going to invest their money. Some of the retail investors present in the Wall Street bad founded the Dior intraday traders, especially the manager's off hedge fund but borrowing shares of the company on the back that it won't do well in the future with the hope of making a profit by buying them back when the prices has fallen. This phenomenon is also known as short selling hedge funds. Are the companies who do these bags? The retail investors president in the Wall Street Raided Forum swapped the tips on board this year's off the game stop. The demand raised its share price massively, which nobody saw coming, and everyone who had banned on it's dropping in value has to buy their shares back after the tweet off Tesla's boss, Elon Musk Cos. Price wass whoring for many the demos to make stockbrokers and hatch funds to lose money. But recently Economic Times reported that this talk crumbled to $75 at morning in New York Stock Exchange, meaning it has now given up nearly 85% off the speculum against that were fuelled by the last month's attack on short sellers. The video retailers Market value has dwindled by more than 28 billion to $5.8 billion from Thursday Internet pic, so the stock is still up more than 300% year to read. Now let me summarise it. A group of retail traders underrated named Wall Street Bad decide toe answer. Short sellers In their own way, it is just that forthat going on witnessing by Wall Street right now, American retail investors made smart but a cunning move by buying and holding stocks off the videogame retail company Gamestop with heavy short positions, which may force short sellers to square off like incurring heavy losses. Because of the whole circus in American stock market, the value of the games or has risen more than 90% in January 2021. So this is all for Norway's. I hope you like this port cost, and if you have any questions regarding this, you can always ask us or instagram all the 11 lengths you can find it in our description. So that's it for now. Until then, keep learning