Adobe demonstration

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Video Narration


I did the voice over for an adobe video demonstration.

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Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in this tutorial, I'm going to talk about the main selection tool and how we can begin to utilize this in adobe, illustrator. The selection tool is a pivotal part of illustrator and without this tool, a lot of what we do in this application just wouldn't be possible. In this video you will learn the functions of the selection tool. So the first thing I will do is choose the selection tool. This is the top tool on the menu recognized as the black arrow. This tool is one of the most used tools in illustrator and the shortcut key for this is a V on the keyboard. This is a basic tool which allows you to select objects on your canvas. Move them around and make simple modifications. Using the selection tool, you can select single objects by clicking on them. You can also click and drag to select multiple objects at once. You can select any objects that are already grouped or if you hold down shift you can select one or more objects. So here we have our square with the selection tool, I will place the mouse cursor over the square and go ahead and click the shape to select it. You will now see a bounding box around the shape. Like so this bounding box helps communicate to you which object is currently selected in your artwork and will also allow you to move the object around and make simple changes. Okay, so now we have the square selected. We can start to move this around. This can be done really easy by simply clicking and dragging it around like So now if we look carefully at the bounding box, you will see eight white squares around the shape. These squares allow us to make simple modifications to the shape size. For example, if I move my mouse cursor over each of these, you will notice my cursor change from the black arrow to a double ended arrow. This is illustrator asking if you wish to make a change if I put my mouse on the far right box and click and hold, I can either make this shape wider or slimmer. The same applies to the top and bottom squares. And if I put my mouse over one of the corners I can increase or decrease the size like so if I hold down shift while scaling, I'm going to scale proportionately and if I hold down shift and all too I can scale proportionately into or away from the center. If I carefully position my mouse just a little away from one of the corners, you will notice the mouse cursor change to a curved arrow. This is illustrator giving you the option to click and rotate your shape easily so the bounding box can help you quickly change the shape, size and rotation of your object, integrating this tool into your workflow is essential for any designer