Narrative Demo

Profile photo for Rob Spencer
Not Yet Rated
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Narrative reads for tv shows or documentaries

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Tim and Jessica have their sights set on a beach side home. But when they see what's in their price range, suddenly the country looks a lot more appealing. Will they change their plans for a life on the farm? But what they find a waterfront property that fits the bill? Find out next. When Russell Westbrook first came into the league, critics said, Turn the ball over to He was an erratic shooter, and then he played so hard would wind up hurting himself. Westbrook proved them wrong and then, in one magical year, carved out his place in history to Joe. Rogan has had a pretty interesting career. In his early twenties, he was one of the top mixed martial artist in the country. But when his fighting days were over, he turned to stand up comedy that led to Fear Factor, one of the biggest shows of its era. But now Rogan is reinventing himself once again, this time as one of the leading voices of the intellectual dark web. These days, if you want to create a website, you can find a cheap website builder and get up and running in no time. But what if you want to build a great website, something modern and dynamic that can take your business to the next level. That's why we created we've it puts the power of high level Web design right in your hand.