Commercial Demo Reel

Profile photo for Rob Vieira
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


A sampling of several commercial styles.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
to those in search of the perfect vacation. Welcome to Virginia where you and your loved ones will be inspired from the sparkling waters of the Chesapeake bay to the breathtaking beauty of the Appalachian mountains. But then I tried coffee meets bagel and I met Amy she's an animator that was eight months ago and we're still going strong. We like all the same stuff and she is so easy to talk to. Coffee meets bagel focuses on giving fewer stronger matches this weekend on the NBA shoot around, stay tuned to ESPN is Granlund amazing things are happening in the shoot around. Crew is here to help you keep track of it all. You'll find takes on game highlights you might have missed as well as moments you'll remember forever. Oh no, looks like somebody made a boo boo but doesn't have a very good credit score and that's how it went. Every bank treated me like a baby. But then I went to golden one, golden ones. A credit union for all Californians being weird and full of imagination is what makes science happen at the killer science museum. Kids can dream up and create almost anything they want uncovered fossils from beneath the dirt. Make some ooey gooey mud that slips through your fingers and all day every day when you need a boost, spend $3 on coffee and you'll get three coffees because Cumberland coffee is only a dollar. Think about that. Come to your company senses and have a comfy day only at Cumberland farms thing. This is rovera. Thanks for listening