Commercial Demo - Fresh Youthful and Real

Profile photo for Rose Gleason
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Commercial Demo | Rose Gleason

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Never tried false lashes, afraid of the glue. The game changer has arrived. New impress press on falsies are here. No glue needed. Thanks to breakthrough. Selt stick technology, no mistakes, just press on and go now everyone can lash. But to do it faster, smarter better requires innovation. An integrated solution that allows you to connect all your data people and processes together. The digital divide separates people rich or poor, young or old employed or unemployed. But that's something we can change together with. Click how to talk to your dog 101 or how about just some healthy bacon flavored snacks? Your baby deserves the best from the beginning. The best doctors, best care. The best bored of watching the same old stories enter the world of bracket and Vicky where the romance is more romantic. History is more nostalgic and action is more fantastic. No one likes to talk about it but ignoring it won't make it disappear if you're feeling down or off or like you never fit in. It doesn't make you weird. It makes you human. Here's to starting something great match.