

Self control is the vital key to get success in our daily life. It is one of the essential element to acheive self discipline.I had illustrated here one story about self (Website hidden)h this story we could know how we can acheive self control and how to get succeed in our beautiful life.

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Young Adult (18-35)


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self control. Self control is the essence of self respect. There is an ancient Indian storey to illustrate self control. Once and obnoxious man abused a saintly person rather harshly. The ST was Vidic, calm and relaxed after the man finished abusing him. A passer by asked the saintly man, This man abused to you so harshly. How did you maintain your cool? The same blame and replied, If you give a gift to someone and they refused to accept it, then who does the gift belong to the passer by, said the giver, the saintly Mansour comedy. I refused to accept his gift. The abusive realised, too, that the abuse he directed towards the saintly man was actually self abuse water, real life demonstration of self controlled by the stage. Let this look at another example of self control. Once, Peter asked a young boy who is the most powerful person in the world, the boy had watched a lot of TV and proudly certain bad man, the teacher said. Well, not really. Try once more, the voice er, Spider man again, the teacher said. Not really. Try again. The thought this time he just couldn't go wrong and said Superman. The teacher said, Son, give it one last try. The boy gave up and asked the teacher, Why don't you tell me who the most powerful person is? The teacher said. Son, the most powerful person in the world east, the one who has control over his thoughts and emotions. In other words, one who has self control has the ultimate power to achieve balance and stability. One need to exercise self control every areas of one's life. It cannot be achieved over night, but one can move towards the objective one step at a time. Self control at a moment of anger could prevent a lifetime of regret and sorrow. Self control is mastery, and calmness is power. The less external masters we have, the more in control we will be and the more peaceful you shall be.