Character reel

Profile photo for Robert McGovern
Not Yet Rated
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Master Sargeant speaking to newbies
Cowboy Movin ON
Tough guy wants a better cup of coffee
End of day beer relief

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Master Sergeant Owen t a father woman and I will be your drill. Or maybe I should say your constant companion and friends from here on air. And I hope that you were on my friendship, as I will yearn to honour yours. So ladies and gentlemen, you are dismissed. Well I'm kind of tired now. We're brawling now that I'm older ever since I was young, he was always in front of me and I took them on one by one and usually one. But now I'm married, I got kids and I don't want to be hurting. I can't go to work, make no money so I ain't no angel, but I'm moving on. So he says to the kid once more is this kid yesterday you bought me a real bad brew of coffee. I tell you once again go down to the corner like any corner in the U. S. That's the whole continuous United States and get me a cup of coffee at that place. You can get a bun too, you can get a doughnut for yourself, whatever kids help me here when I get home at night, good day, bad day. All I look forward to is drinking my suds. I mean, you know red can yellow can longneck, whatever can I don't care. Just give me my suds