Current Commercial Demo

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Ruth's demo includes:
- a pleasantly confused Casper Mattress customer
- a proud Wisconsin Tourism rep
- an enthusiastic MailChimp user
- an unexpected Napa Auto Parts customer
- a concerned read in a PSA & a comforting read for Sundara Spa
- a gritty TGIFridays spot

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It comes in this box about the size of a small child and you think this isn't my mattress. When you think Wisconsin, you probably think cows, You probably don't think olympic ice skating. Why email each customer individually when male chip can email them all like that. Ouch. He looked at me like I was asking him to take me to his leader. So instead I went to the leader napa auto parts until you realize that nearly 20,000 bullied american students attempt to commit suicide every year escaped to a luxurious woodland retreat nestled in an 80 acre pine forest, T. G. I. Friday's famous sizzling entrees just got hotter. You'd think that a chef at a five star restaurant would make her own soup bases at home, but I don't have the time. So instead I use better than bullying.