Metaverse Connection

Profile photo for Ryan Haris
Not Yet Rated


sound clips from adventure games, fairytales, cartoons and online ads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Maybe Miss Johnson has some of those tuna sandwiches she gave me last week. Ah, those will be perfect. Fishy and smelly. Just how I like my food. What if there was an app that new your personal preferences and long term goals that could deliver a personalised, ever evolving calendar that created true balance in your life? She also missed the sweet test of the bluegrass in the valour where she was raised. But you liked walking around on leaving hoof prints in the freshly fallen snow. Jeannie Jacobson can answer all your questions related to securing a mortgage and providing valuable information to your family. Good morning. Glad. See you keep a little bolder club fluff you. You want to go outside? Okay, I'm coming. Whoa. That storm is rolling in rather quickly. Klutzy. You sure you want to go outside right now? Hey, wait for me.