Ryan Donaldson Narrative Demo 2022- Male - Fairytale - Narrator - Warm

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Ryan Donaldson Narrative Demo - Male - Fairytale - Animated - Warm - Narrator.
Recorded this demo in my home studio.
Microphone: Neumann TLM103

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
most of all. She liked her new friend. One day she asked the White Knight whether he might allow her to climb up the tower to see if she could spot her homeland off in the distance. Well, Maria, the night responded with slight hesitation. You see the staircase leading up to the tower is very narrow. I'm not sure that a four legged cow like yourself would be capable of making the trip up. This place is called the Black Forest. For a reason. Its name is suiting. By late afternoon, the sun no longer shines through the mossy tree tops. It feels like night comes again. As soon as it's left, the great red granite crags of the surrounding peaks rose out of the gleaming snow like ugly fingers. The prince sat down by some stunted trees whose tops had been broken off a long time ago by an avalanche and began to eat a bit of bread and cheese that he had stored in his pocket. Which way should I go? Let's go on this way. Ooh, this looks like a map. I'll follow the trail to the castle. I bet that's where bobo is. I'm gonna need some supplies. First there must be other clues in this forest, let's find them. And second he had just a faint glimmering of hope of finding out what the goblins were about under his window. The night before when he told his father he made no objection, for he had great confidence in his boys courage and resources. I'm sorry I can't stay with you, said Peter, but I want to go and pay the parson a visit this evening. And besides, I've had a bit of a headache all day. Hi, I'm Ryan Donaldson. Thanks for listening to my demo.