Corporate commercial in English_Professional and Engaging

Video Narration


This is a corporate commercial done with a professional tone

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Indian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the offer. Better business communication between the UK and India providing a helping hand in communicating effectively with those important overseas contacts are unique. Service provides business language support for companies who need to correspond on a regular basis with clients or suppliers abroad, but who have not yet decided to hire any language personnel. The package also enables you to begin trading with Indian clients or businesses straight of A without having the associative overheads of employing translators and copywriters. In India, there's a strong desire to import good quality value for money products, so it is, well birth, an effort to try and sell into this market. Although a large number of people in India speak English, most of them feel more comfortable communicating in their own language. Hindi. Call us now for more information. Let's do business together e milker. Contrary