Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Sandie Pohlmann
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Voice Over for various commercial projects

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the future of luxury is here introducing the all electric BMW. Bring it on becoming a mom didn't come with a handbook, but moms know the power of Clean and my little one has some superpowers too. She's the best stay maker around my secret weapon. Oxy clean drastic measures. I don't think so. It's time to take beauty into your own hands. Ole re generous for your best beautiful self. How far do you let someone's memory loss go before you get them help when they forget a birthday, leave the door open all night or nearly burned the house down. Understanding the stages of dementia could save a life. You know what they always say? Order today, get it today. That's what they say, right? Well that's what they say at target shop on smart saver and get it today.