African demo 2 by sanjo ogunseye



African documentary voice overs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Kenyan (East Africa) South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
off all the beast, the roam the lands in Africa, one is looked upon as a great leader. The elephant, a noble creature. And to have the symbol of the elephants in your home is believed to bring good luck to all around world vision. We're strengthening our focus on the well being of Children through our strategies. Programmes on the child well being targets, the pre payment. You don't need it possible for average Africans to pay whatever they could whenever they could, at no risk to them. Today, only 1% of Africans have solar power. But just like the Movil phone revolution prepaid Sola makes it possible for someone who make as little as $1 a day to afford. Bright, modern, lithe in Africa Way also support communities uplifting lives, opportunities to leave well. Our business is driving growth across the country. Study show that apparent football with malaria message in is working through the popularity of football, United against malaria has been able to motivate heads of households to protect their families with the support of caste. Second match was organised with the help of Transparency International. After years of distrust on mutual accusations, representatives from consumer organisations on the water company have come together in a spirit of friendship