Children's eLearning

Profile photo for Randall Rensch
Not Yet Rated


Extended demo, about orangutans

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what an orangutan eat depends on what's in season. Mostly, they eat fruits, but leaves make up 1/4 of their diet. 10% of it is bark, and the rest is other things, like flowers and ants. If you were in orangutan, you'd spend four hours each day looking for food and eating it another 14 hours sleeping or resting in bed, plus another four resting here and there. Otherwise you'd be socializing or just getting from one place to another. Orangutans move from branch to branch tree to tree, using their enormous arm span of up to seven feet. And speaking of feet, look at these prehensile feet able to grasp a tree limb just like a hand. Help make this orangutan an excellent climber. In fact, these tree dwellers only rarely come down to the ground.