Talking with a certain one-name, Irish lead singer



In this goofy skit, I'm both voices

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
A F and M and a Happy Saint Patrick's Day. To you too. Well, who is this? I bet you never guess who's calling your Honda phone here? Uh, yeah. Yeah. Talking about me. Oh, ok. Talking about, talking about you. I'm gonna give you a clue. Ok. It's not the edge. The Ed. And it's not Larry Mullen and it's not, um, and it's not Ringo Starr or whoever the drummer is. Who's the drummer? Who is the drummer? Oh, so, so who might you think it is? Uh, I'm gonna go out on a limb here. I'm gonna give you a clue. No, you, you already did that. Is it Bono? Yes. So, you are correct. It is me and my pretentious carrying the moral conscience of the entire free world upon my shoulders. Oh, it's tough. Yeah, I got it. Yeah, I think, I think we'll take a break too and be back in a minute.