The Book of Sven by Nicolas Kocan

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A comedic novel where Dante’s Inferno meets Beetlejuice mixed with Monty Python references and a dash of The Matrix. I had to give voice and personality to Sven, his band of three rogue Angels, various supernatural beings like Heimdall, Thor and Jesus as well as Lucifer, several demons and so on.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
running This inquisition was a ba suited demon in thick framed glasses who spoke without any intonation whatsoever. At which point, defendant number one experienced cardiac arrest and expired, said the devil's advocate removing his spectacles dramatically. Shortly thereafter, defendant number three arrived and was quoted as saying, ah ****, thank you. Councilor said Lucifer as he straightened the paperwork in front of him. Do the defendants have anything before we begin? Seven traded looks with hockey and fix their demon ****** and his imps had retreated to the back wall where they scrolled absently through their phones. Shouldn't we have an attorney present? Asked Sven. I just figured since we're in ****, there'd probably be a plethora of them. Oh wow! Another lawyer joke replied. **** tired lee. Haven't been hearing those since the first person decided to practice law, said Aristotle. You know, they aren't much worse than the rest of you chatted yan wang. The room fell silent, zika and fixed physically distanced themselves from Sven, though he didn't think it possible spend noticed the room get markedly hotter. So we aren't getting an attorney. No, replied Lucifer. We had to stop that too many of you were getting out of here without punishment. Fair enough. It's not about fair. We just got tired of losing from there. Things got boring. Not just nothing to watch on tv or dinner with the grandparents or attending someone else's office party, boring. This was sitting between two geeks in a field. You know nothing about discussing their relative merits of similar philosophies while your phone sits in your pocket with a dead battery