War In The Hearts of Men

Profile photo for Scott Dawson
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One man’s autobiographical spiritual journey through Mayan, Aztec and other Mesoamerican artwork and history.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It was 2006 in Belize. My wife and I were honeymooning in the Mayan ruins of Caracol. The sun peeked out of the clouds giving them golden edges. The jungle path beneath my feet turned to grass. And as I looked up, my eyes saw their first Mayan pyramid sidetracked by a pepper plant on the edge of the jungle. I took a bite of one of the tiny red fruits. Hot, hot. I jump up and down. Let's go up. The pyramid said my wife Hayley, what does Caracol mean? I asked spiral or something? She replied, what does Maya mean? I asked breathless as we reached the top of the pyramid. It's Sanskrit for the illusion. She tells me a decade later, I was solo. It was 2016 and I had been studying yoga, meditation and mysticism for a number of years. I would spend a bit of time in Mexico doing such pursuits at the pyramids. I noticed a special energy present there that seemed similar to what the ancients described as Kundalini. The energy of the serpent. I started to see snakes scribed in the Stucco art of the pyramids and stuff halfway from Tulum to Campeche. I hid from the sun in a taco stand on the side of the road waiting for the Comida on the pavement. I saw a chicken that looked virtually reptilian. He was pecking in the cracks, missing the pleasures and pains of tequila. I reflected throughout time and space in our evolution. As a species, mysteries have served as the cornerstone of the human spiritual journey. They are a constant state of inquiry into the void. The roots of unknown territory once excavated can act as a map for a collective subconscious which in turn results in a greater understanding of the individual as a part of a whole transformation through mythological symbolism can unlock our perception of who we think we are and propel us into who we are destined to become. I believe that most of humanity struggles have taken place so that we might become closer to our essence. What if we had a greater knowledge of the roots of humanity in the beginning? According to Genesis in the Bible, man was created in God's image and from Him woman, the foundation of our failing society's entire philosophical truth rests on this teaching after Adam and Eve ate from the tree of knowledge, God gave them access to the tree of life I e immortality. What is the origin of the tree? How many times have we felt really good and yet couldn't help but feel guilty for it when Eve was in the Garden of Eden God forbade her through Adam from eating from the tree of knowledge for fear of death. That same tree of life served as the tree of divinity for many other cultures. The in Con's the Vikings, the Hebrew, the Buddhists and pretty much every other major civilization with religion has had a version of the tree of life. Eventually the tree became the cross and humanity was nailed on it for our sins.