Animation - Five Below - Shrek Gingerbread Man Impression - Funny



This was done for a holiday company review for Five Below. They needed someone who could do a great impression of the Gingerbread Man, aka Gingy, from Shrek.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Mid-Atlantic)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to the Flat Gingy show. I'm your host. Flat gingy as always we're keeping gingy viewers like you connected to the latest in gingerbread news today. We've got a very special guest with us, Joel Anderson Ceo of five Below Five Below Stores have been home to hundreds of flat gingy is this holiday season making them very interesting to our viewers. Welcome Joel Appreciate having you. Let me get started by saying thanks on behalf of all ginger persons everywhere. We loved being part of five Bolos 2020 holiday. My sources tell me that when you had your kickoff call with all the stores, one of the things you told them was to have fun. Tell me about that. Let's look at some of the footage we've collected from the stores here are some images of some really good looking gauges in front of what I'm told is your five beyond wall. Tell me about this. Okay, what about two? Well that brings us to the last go. Do you told the stores to have fun? Did they? So what kind of fun were you seeing in the posts? That's awesome. Okay, Joel, let's switch gears for a little segment we like to call. Get out of here ready. Okay Joel, what am I looking at here? That's incredible to hear. Let's move on to the next one, Joel. What am I looking at here. Alright, next up, what am I looking at here? That's great. Next up, what am I looking at here. Okay, last up, I'm looking at here Joel. I gotta be honest, I'd say nice job but I'm a little distracted by that giant bite that has been taken out of gingy side. Were you going after my gumdrop buttons? Not my gumdrop buttons. Oh my Well it sounds like you had a pretty fantastic holiday at five below and I'm sure it's hard, but if you had to pick one thing, what are you most proud of, Wilson, john, It's been fantastic to have you on the show. You're welcome back anytime. We'll let you get back to town as we take a look at some of the many flat gingy moments from holiday 2020.