

General tone and pace for e-learning. Pacing can easily be adjusted for specific projects.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi there. Welcome to the tone course. Our brand is about staying fresh and current while connecting with our customers and communicating among ourselves in a way that reflects who we are and what we do. But it's not simply a matter of a logo and tagline to really breathe life into the brand. We need to ensure our tone reflects its smart, authentic and relatable character. And applying our tone means thinking about how we communicate with our customers and colleagues. That's where this course comes in in the next half hour or so. We'll get you up to speed on our tone so you can put it into action and help us be a smart, authentic and relatable company. We've broken down what you need to know into four parts, which you can see here. There are a few questions mixed in to get you thinking, Alright, let's get started.