English, Media, Television, Adverts.

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This news I recorded for TEK TV about the first female vice chancellor for KNUST. I wrote the Script myself.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Nigerian West African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and welcome to tech tv news updates. It is announced for the information of members of staff and students of cayenne Usd, the university community and the general public that the council of the university at its 258 special meeting, Which was held on Thursday 25 June 2020. Upon the acceptance of the report of the search committee for the appointment of vice chancellor for the university has appointed Professor mrs Rita Acosta Dixon as vice chancellor for key and UST her appointment as for a four year term with effect from 1st august 2020 231st July 2024, she was the dean of the faculty of Pharmacy and pharmacology in cayenne Usd. Until today, Professor Rita Acosta Dixon was the pro vice chancellor of CAyenne Usd. That's all for tech tv news. Thanks for watching.