English, Afrikaans 12 years experience radio ads in different accents

Profile photo for Shahim Meyer
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


the sample issued was a radio ad for score energy drink I portrayed the part of a sliding door operator on a minibus taxi and how drinking the energy drink gave me the boost and confidence to push forward and harder

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian Indian (General) Russian South African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mulberry Klayman Weinberg. These mornings are every day is a flood of people. Mabrouk People flag out, tax it down main show hooting at us from every side of the road. And here I am, running up and down every street. Your name and it's a lot, but will score energy drinks, double power. It gives me double the energy to keep up with my driver. Did they did they stick out? The door is open.