Narration: Conversational, believable, Authentic

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
cyberworld. Awesome for sure, but riddled with security challenges, the majority of them related to your development process. It's a fact that more than 80% of cybersecurity attacks are targeted at the application. That's why you spend hours upon hours testing your applications during development. Meet Deborah. She's a sharp attorney, and she advertises like anyone else but pay per click advertising for choice keywords has gotten so expensive. I mean, crazy, expensive and the rules keep changing. Now here's Dale. He's been in this waiting room for half an hour, and his arm is killing him. Dale is distracting himself by surfing the Web and checking his APS, and it looks like everyone else is doing the same thing. Hey, what if Debra could advertised her services directly to them? Taste for Life's TfL Mad Custom websites are designed specifically for natural products retailers. Each site works across all devices for users at home or on the go fully customized with your store branding, social media links and general information about your store