Storyteller, Adult African



Storyteller, Adult African

Intense, looming, Eerie, scary, Movie Trailer, character, middle age, aggressive, attitude, authoritative, bold, hero, adventure, quest, overcome, challenge, triumph, Appealing, forceful, heroic, Inspirational, edgy, sexy, sensual, sultry, cool, confident, evil, villainous, narrator, storyteller, relaxed, powerful, strong, ominous, empowered, experienced, struggle, smooth, reassuring, sassy, intimidating, resolute, strong, tough, urban, radio, mysterious, compelling, commanding, videogame, video, game, warframe, cartoon, animated, animation, internet, multi-cultural, diverse, internet, worldwide, web, year, hip hop, podcast, story, warm, believable,

includes music from bensound(dot)com

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


African (General) West African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
They say that a wizard combines the traits of an enchanter and image being one of inherent skill. Andi practice a wizard is the most superior class of all spelled customs. But who are they with an opinion like that? You think they were wizards? An old major like myself wants to believe that we've achieved the heights of mastery through centuries of fine tuned practice. There's only one way to evaluate spoke. Castor's a do off course.