Mental Health Charity

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Voice over for a mental health charity and awareness week

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
there are times in all our lives when things can feel a bit too much. It can be stressed at work or worries about how our family or health it can be feeling lonely. But there is a simple thing that can really help support good mental health nature. More than half of U. K adults say that being close to nature improves their mental health. For in 10 people say it made them feel less worried or anxious. Almost two thirds of people said being close to nature meant they experienced positive emotions. Nature can't solve all our problems, but it can really help put things in perspective. Take the pressure off and bring calm, joy and wonder to our daily lives so it can be helpful to try to prioritise getting close to nature. Find the time to go outside in a park or by a lake or a river, taking a moment to see, hear and feel nature, or if it's hard to get out, look for wildlife from your window and listen to the birdsong, or grow and look after a plant in your house. Notice their scent and colour or plan a day by the beach or in the countryside. The important thing is to try to connect with nature and notice its beauty and how it makes you feel. The Mental Health Foundation wants to grow awareness of the role nature complain, preventing distress and creating good mental health for all. We are also asking government and local councils to make sure everybody can enjoy the mental health benefits of nature. For tips on how to connect with nature or to find out more about our work, please visit mental health dot org dot UK forward slash m h a. W or share with our hashtag connect with nature.