Characters: An old Downeaster, a preppie, a gangster, etc.

Profile photo for Joseph Sheppard
Not Yet Rated


I'm a good mimic, and the people on this demo are either voices I've heard, known, or copied from the movies. Fun stuff for me.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, vinnie, I think you should be a little more careful with your money in the future. You wouldn't want it getting in the wrong hands, would you? I'm gonna make you an offer. You can't refuse. Downeast Maine. I'll never forget my first trip out into casco bay when I went lobstering with my uncle bat, he told me to haul in one of them traps and I fell right smack overboard. Old school preppy good Lord Draco. That's perfectly awful news. I can't believe they expelled you from the club. I'll do everything in my power to get you reinstated. Meanwhile, please give my best to Buffy boston. I tried to get a job on a radio show in boston when I was in college but they wouldn't hire me. I never figured out why. I mean I talk good and everything old man. You don't know how lucky you are, young lady when I was your age and my girlfriend called, I couldn't just hide in the closet and talk to her. The cord on the phone wouldn't reach that far.