Commercial Demo

Online Ad


This demo is comprised of commercial spots geared to TV, radio, and online ads. The spots include: storytell, smooth, compassion, elegant, mom, smart, warm/happy, and busy career woman clips

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
With Chase, you'll get convenient, full service banking whenever you need it. And now the new Chase App makes it even easier to manage your finances. Chase helping you make the most of your money be connected. Stay organized and do amazing things. Slack. Say hello to your new digital HQ. When we insist on healthcare, that is both skillful and loving too. Together, we can truly make an impact, empath health with you every step of the way, every day. Dominion customer Emily wakes up and opens her shop, hating the ovens and making sure every muffin pastry and loaf of bread is warm and fresh for her customers. She doesn't think twice. She's always there just like us. Lysol is donating wipes to schools need so they can kill 99.9% of viruses and bacteria because when kids are together, they thrive. Our furry. Friends are more than just pets, their family. That's why fuzzy gives all your pets individual vet attention from one account, one app, one affordable membership and unlimited 24 7 access everything for pets because pets are everything