
Profile photo for siavash siavash
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voice acting

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Who would have ever thought isolating ourselves would be for the greater good of humanity. Yet here we are staying in our homes and away from everything and everyone will love outside of them. You're not just missing ball games and concerts at once in a lifetime celebrations, we're missing each other for maybe the first time in our lives. We are truly see what makes these things we're missing so meaningful and we're spending our time apart creating new ways to get closer somehow while separated. We're building an even a stronger community meeting these unprecedented times with the promise that when times are tough, are tougher. Just imagine what life is going to look like when we're able to be the gator again in business. As usual. It takes on a whole new meaning when we're living with less busines and no mindfulness and seeing every single through the lens of gratitude. We're looking for one doing every gathering is a celebration for simply being together and we've hardly wait to see you there.