30 Second Radio Jingle

Profile photo for Emily Peterson
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


This jingle demonstration includes both singing the jingle and pitching the radio spot. This is an unedited version with seamless transitions between the singing and speaking sections.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Boise, Boise, Boise Love's band. He's banned his ban ese Boise. Boise, Boise, Love's band. He's Ben. He's Benny's. Benny's Adventure Park opens up for the season. Next weekend, you're invited to come celebrate with us All kids under the age of 12 get a free day pass when they come with a family of four or more. And remember, we're just on the corner of West Holland Drive in Pleasant Valley Road. But his adventure park Boise's place to play since 1964. Boise, Boise, Boise Love's band. He's banned his ban ese Boise, Boise. Boise loves Bandy's band. He's Benny's.