Profile photo for Simone Gescheit
Not Yet Rated


Samples of my audiobook and documentary narration work.

Vocal Characteristics




Australian British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
She woke to the sound of a baby crying. A single it drifting over from next door. She checked the time. three a.m. And got up to go to the toilet, a small herd of six elephants visible in the light of the near full moon emerged from the pool in the mostly dry river. The lead one, which kylie guest was. The matriarch, raised her trunk into the air and sniffed, checking the way was clear lately though, spoon had been feeling blue. What's wrong? Asked his mother. You look a bit out of shape. Oh, nothing, mumbled spoon. It's just that I don't know all my friends have it so much better than me, like knife, knife is so lucky he gets to cut and spread a tray slides across the table. Morning. Desa never thought I'd say this, but aren't you a sight for sore eyes, doc? He replies with a small smile. What's the news on Parker? The doc butters his toast, spreads it with marmalade, takes a bite chews and swallows. Sorry, Desa, the stupid bastards hit an artery. Parker had no hope. Derek pauses, expecting to feel shocked. Sad something. But there's nothing deep down. He must have already known